10 June 2015

New Bridgetown - The Details

So, here's a kerfuffle and no mistake. As I previously made known I'm planning to bring back Bridgetown in as big a way as is humanly possible. The first new tale will be released on the 21st of June to the Bridgetown Blog.

What that actually means is somewhat down to yourselves, dear readers. I'll be honest, back in 2013 making sure that a new Tale was up every Sunday and commit to a full time job nearly killed me. So, although the tales will continue, it will be at the rate of two a month at present. If the situation changes there will be a further announcement.

The way for you to make that further announcement happen is to Subscribe to the Bridgetown Tales through Patreon. By becoming a subscriber you will unlock extra perks detailed on my Patreon page.

The original Bridgetown blog isn't going anywhere. In fact I'll be updating old stories with redrafts as they become available. Your financial support is appreciated but my continued efforts to produce new tales, and new ways for you to enjoy the tales, will continue regardless. The money just makes the plans bigger and brighter. Of course, it also brings the production of new content closer in the calendar.

If you are new to the Bridgetown Tales then you can read the first three books now. They're posted in blog format, so start with the oldest and work your way forward.

The Patreon subscription money that I make will not only support the ongoing life of the serial but also allow me to create even more new content. I have loads of plans for more cool stuff coming in the future and I will keep you in the loop here and on my facebook page.

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