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When the Nottinghamshire alchemist Thomas Rempstone, cuts a deal with Mait' Carrefour, voodoo god of dark magic, on behalf of the Horned One, an ancient, twisted spirit from Britain's dark past, the consequences promise to be dark and serious business.
Rempstone, steeped in hubris, doesn't understand what he has unleashed in the soil of his native lands. Papa Legba, Mait' Carrefour's counterpart, knows that Carrefour's schemes cannot be allowed to bear fruit.
Nottinghamshire being a long way from Haiti, Legba finds himself limited in the way of resources. Pulled into the emergent chaos is Dillon, a reluctant houngan with ambitions in the restaurant trade, and Carrie, a barmaid who just wishes she could escape her life.
The battle over the old, dark earth, and the mysterious spirit who has chosen the Horned One as her adversary, will change the lives of spirits and mortals alike. The participants revealing a dark mystery that stretches from the Roman Empire to the present day. A mystery centred upon a nightclub known as STARFALL.
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Who is Joseph Elias?
There wouldn't be much point asking Joseph. When he takes a trip down a glowing tunnel located behind a local department store he discovers not only that he is wrong about a great many things, but also that he has little idea about how to make things right.
Dulcinea Fernandez thinks she's got Joseph's number, but how much can a Caretaker of Endoverse Inc's gigantic artificial reality theme park, AKA The Cluster, really be expected to know about anything? The answer, unsurprisingly, turns out to be 'not very much at all'.
There are others who claim to know something about Joseph Elias, the Agent, and Simon Grace of the Department of Sub-Realities, for example. The problem there being their transparent motivations to fulfil darkly mysterious agendas, which essentially reduces their trustworthiness to zero.
In the end it's up to Joseph and Dulcie to sort out the problems of Joseph's anomalous existence on a journey that will make you question the nature of reality and consciousness all the while not quite being able to get rainbows to render correctly.
A Bad Night In Bridgetown
The Tales From Bridgetown are a collection of stories held at the Faerie Archive in Sommerslip. They relate events involving the Patchwork Market at Bridgetown, directly or indirectly. As the Patchwork Market is the largest Market in all the Faerie Lands this means that just about anything could happen.
At first the tales appear to be quite separate, involving talking mice, apprentice knights, crazy princesses, mermaids, wolves and trolls. Before long the characters from one story end up in someone else's tale. Characters roam across all of Faerie, from the Hundred Kingdoms to the Soft Places. At some points they even travel through time (which is not as exciting in Faerie as it might be in the mortal realms).
One thing's for certain, if you take a group of random heroes, a few goblin traders, a couple of not so nice people and a whole heap of mischief it's certain to lead to A Bad Night In Bridgetown.
The Tales From Bridgetown were originally published in 2013 as a blog at where they remain to this day. Their appearance on Wattpad is entirely for your reading convenience.
For Sale
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Chicago Shadows
THE UNIFORMS: A terrifying encounter brings the shadows too close to Sarah Weber and Jake Riley as a normal day on the streets becomes something darker.
THE DETECTIVES: For Anthony Steele and Gerry Carter their new working relationship is almost as challenging as the cases they crack to shine a light into the murkiest depths of the Chicago underworld.
OCI: Jason Jones and Kimberley Mason of Chicago's Organised Crime Initiative will discover that the gangs they battle have started meddling in something that threatens to plunge the city into insanity and chaos.
The common thread? THE SILENT MAJORITY. Take an epic journey below the surface of the average cop thriller and find something far more twisted: the dark heart that beats within the Windy City. THE SILENT MAJORITY blends elements of the thriller with a new horror mythos that will take root in the darkest corners of your mind.

THE UNIFORMS: There is friction between Sarah Weber and Jake Riley after the terrifying encounter that brought Weber to the attention of a creature that lurks in the shadows of Chicago.
THE DETECTIVES: Concerned that Gerry Carter is begining to believe that every case leads into the shadows, Anthony Steele is forced to confront his partner, before events unfold that lead him to question his own sanity.
OCI: The pursuit of a good lead in the fight against the street gangs of Chicago leads Kimberley Mason and Jason Jones into situations both supernatural and political that neither of them could have prepared for.
The secrets of PLEASANT REST nursing home will draw the attention of the officers of the West 31 precinct. Once the terror lurking at the heart of PLEASANT REST is revealed, no one will ever feel safe in the city of shadows again.

THE UNIFORMS: Jake Riley finds himself compromised because of a questionable choice made by his partner, Sarah Weber.
THE DETECTIVES: As the federal government show unusual interest in the lives of Gerry Carter and Anthony Steele the detectives have to make a difficult moral decision in order to penetrate the mysteries under the surface of the Chicago underworld.
OCI: In the dog house after a bungled operation Jason Jones and Kimberley Mason are struggling to redeem themselves when an important bust reveals a new level to the shadow world.
The only lasting effects of West 31 Precinct's participation in Chicago PD's occasional STREET CLEANING operation are usually anecdote, embarrassment and personal abuse. Tonight things are going to be different, the federal government have come to town on their own STREET CLEANING mission. The special agents who take over the precinct combine their own pursuit of some highly unusual terror suspects with another agenda that involves members of West 31's own staff roster.
Role Playing Games

From No Dice Games
The Police Procedural RPG from which the Chicago Shadows series was born. Play as one of the police officers who patrol America's mean streets in the thrilling narrative RPG from the UKs leading innovators in narrative RPGs.
The book contains all the secrets of all seven Shadow Cities and the unique plot-builder mechanics for those who wish to host a game to build their own Shadow adventures.
The game comes with everything you need to play the game except for a pack of normal playing cards per player (and one for the host). The Shadow Cities are even more gripping when you're in the driver seat as uniform, detective or special detective.
WARNING: The Shadow Cities RPG contains spoilers for the overall arc of the Shadow series.

(Currently Unavailable Due To Circumstances Beyond My Control)
From No Dice Games
It's time for something new under the sun. Using a unique structure that assists the Host in preparing and running an adventure literally on the fly using a draw chart (as always the system uses playing cards) and a gallery of "off the shelf" locations, villains and plots. While the players make PULP characters using the light but robust system the Host can quickly make some notes that will support the running of the adventure.
This first volume provides resources for PULP adventures in the world of hard boiled classic pulp magazines of the 30s, 40s and 50s. Bizarre villains in gritty locations will test the heroes while the fate of the world will hang in the balance.